Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I got my free sample in the mail today of...

Shiseido skincare! Heres the inside

Three steps haha. First!

Put this foaming stuff all over your face and then rinse thoroughly! Me without makeup haha...

Put the softener on a cotton pad and gently rub on your face. This part felt so good <3
Next is the moisture recharge!

Thats that! It made my face feel so good and my hands smell great from spreading the stuff on <3 I really love simple stuff like this. Unfortunately shiseido is probably pretty expensive. But i got a card for 10 dollars off so i'll probably hit up the bay and check it out!
Todays song: LUDA- number one spot



of course i'll add eyeliner/lashes and such. My sister said halloween isnt for being scary anymore, Its for being sexy. Well I'm gonna be sexy, my face is just gonna be ripped up ahaha. By the way, i have this cute little geisha costume. i wanted to ghostbusters one but it wasnt at the store.

I love halloween. This is my costume, by the way

The belt on it really sucks so i'll probably end up sewing a new one. One more thing

Tonight i'm making this :


Magic bags. They're super easy. Just filled with rice and are great for cramps <3

ttfn :)